June 17, 2019 Monday of the 11th Week of Ordinary Time-C
2 Corinthians 6:1-10
Psalm 98
Matthew 5:38-42
“…go with him for two miles.” Mt. 5:41
Lord, your teaching today is very challenging. It goes against the grain of human behavior. You tell us how to break the cycle of violence by not retaliating against someone who treats us badly. In your time among us, you practiced what you preached. Not one time did you respond violently to any of the outrages committed against you. We can easily say, “Lord, this response to abuse or injustice just won’t work today.” But I think we say that because we’ve never tried it. Turning the other cheek, not fighting an unjust lawsuit, working beyond the minimum and giving to anyone regardless of their motives are all ways to expose the evil of the offender. Your justice is perfect and will be applied at the proper time. Lord, I’m not going to succeed at responding in your way all the time but I can do my best. Show me how and I’ll give it a shot. Lead me to imitate you and your generosity, humility and patience. I pray for those under the yoke of violence and abuse, especially women and children, that they can be safe and the cycle of violence broken. Protect them from harm. Amen.