June 1, 2018 Friday of the 8th Week in Ordinary Time—B ST JUSTIN, MARTYR
1 Peter 4:7-13
Psalm 96
Mark 11:1-26
Be hospitable to one another without complaining. 1 Pt. 4:9
Lord, hospitality towards others seems to come so naturally to some and to others it unnatural. We are further urged to be hospitable and to not complain about it. I’m sometimes guilty of seeking my privacy and to not be bothered. There’s probably a time and a place for that too. But you want us to serve one another as brothers and sisters. You would approve of me offering my time, my talent and my treasure for the benefit of someone else and not complain about it. For when I am kind and thoughtful, I build bonds of love that make all of us more like you. Lord, help me to be more open to the needs of those around me. Show me how I can use the blessings you have placed in my life the way you desire. Maybe today I can look for an opportunitiy to be hospitable to one person I would otherwise ignore. Give me the grace to bear fruit and glorify your name. Thank you for hearing and answering my prayer. Amen.