July 9, 2019 Tuesday of the 14th Week in Ordinary Time-C

Genesis 32:23-33

Psalm 17

Matthew 9:32-38

…though you try me with fire, you shall find no malice in me.  Ps. 17:3

“…you have contended with divine and human beings and have prevailed.”  Gen. 32:29

Lord, life can sometimes seem like a wrestling match.  We are challenged in so many ways.  We are tested by both divine and human beings.  So often, it can seem too much and we feel overwhelmed.  All through the gospels we hear how we are to persevere in pursuit of goodness and to continue to struggle against evil.   Those who prevail will find eternal life.  It is very consoling to hear that you notice our efforts and have pity on us.  You are the Good Shepherd who will never forget us as we sometimes wander from your flock.  The more we wrestle in faith the stronger we become.   Our enemy is strong, knows our weak spots and is also persistent.  I do not wrestle alone.  I have the encouragement of the crowd of holy saints who loudly cheer me on to victory.  You are in my corner to strengthen me and revive me so I can go back in to the fight.  I call upon you in prayer and am confident you will answer me in good times and bad.  Let me be content with your presence as I continue the good fight.  Amen.