July 4, 2019 Thursday of the 13th Week in Ordinary Time-C
Genesis 22:1-19
Psalm 115
Matthew 9:1-8
“Why do you harbor evil thoughts?” Mt. 9:4
Lord, immediately you saw the faith of the paralyzed man and his friends. You also saw the evil intentions in the hearts of the scribes. When you look into my heart what do you find there? I pray you find faith, goodness and a desire to do the will of the Father. But you may also find the darkness of thoughts that separate me from you. Both good and evil arise from our thoughts. If I let my thinking go wherever it wants I can be led astray into sin. Lord, the sins of the man were your first priority. After that you healed his body to show everyone you had the authority to forgive sin. Lord, forgive the sins of my heart and mind. Strengthen me to avoid those situations, places and people that lead me to evil intentions. Help me to discipline my thinking to resist temptations that lead me to sin against you. Shine the light of your grace into my heart so I can harbor only holy and good thoughts. Fill me with your peace so there is no room for evil thinking. Amen.