July 3, 2018 Tuesday of the 13th Week in Ordinary Time-B ST. THOMAS, APOSTLE
Ephesians 2:19-22
Psalm 117
John 20:24-29
“My Lord and my God!” John 20:28
Lord, there is some of Thomas in all of us. I know there is some of him in me. Why was he not with the rest the first time you appeared to them? Was he so lost in grief he couldn’t face them? Was he afraid of being crucified like you for being your disciple? Was he afraid of you for how he had abandoned you? Was resurrection just too impossible for him to accept? Whatever the reason it’s good he came back to the rest for it was then he met you and believed. You were so gentle and accepting of him. You met him in his unbelief and offered him what he needed so he could have faith. You met him where he was. Lord, meet me where I am too. I sometimes have doubts and my faith isn’t always the strongest. I so need your peace in my life when I try to handle things on my own. May I respond to your grace like Thomas. He declared for all time that you are his personal Lord and God. Thank you, Jesus, for loving me as I am. I believe, help my unbelief. Amen.