July 14, 2019 Sunday of the 15th Week in Ordinary Time-C

Deuteronomy 30:10-14

Psalm 69

Colossians 1:15-20

Luke 10:25-37

But a Samaritan traveler who came upon him was moved with compassion at the sight.  Lk. 10:33

Lord, who am I in your story about the Good Samaritan?  Am I the victim who was beaten and robbed and left to die on the roadside?  Am I the scholar of the law seeking to justify his concept of neighbor?  Am I the Levite or priest who made excuses for passing by the bleeding man?  Or am I the compassionate traveler who went out of his way to help someone who, in any other circumstance, would have nothing to do with a Samaritan?  At one time or another I can be any one of these.  This story reinforces the answer given to the scholar about how he is to inherit eternal life.  I am to love the Lord with all my heart, being, strength and mind and love my neighbor too.  Sometimes I also have trouble identifying my neighbor.  He or she is not just family or people I like or with whom I have something in common.  My neighbor is the HIV victim, the homeless man living under the bridge, the screaming protestor of the other political party, the drug addict, abortion supporter and the killer on death row.  Lord, show me today the neighbor you have sent me to care for. Then give me the grace to do so.  Amen.