July 10, 2019 Wednesday of the 14th Week in Ordinary Time-C

Genesis 41:55-57; 42:5-7, 17-24

Psalm 33

Matthew 10:1-7

When Joseph’s brothers came…he recognized them as soon as he saw them. Gen. 42:6-7

Lord, the story of Joseph and his brothers is a reminder of how God’s wondrous plan has been worked out through all history.  While many suffered in the world-wide famine it provided an opportunity for God to begin to prepare a people that hundreds of years later would receive you in the flesh.  As Joseph provided grain for the starving people of Israel you provide the daily bread for those suffering in a spiritual famine today.  Joseph’s family was jealous and selfish and even attempted murder.  You use imperfect and flawed people to work out your plan for the salvation of the world.  The brothers became the twelve tribes of Israel.  Lord, there are so many people now who hunger for what you want to give them.  They just don’t know how to find it.  Let those you have called to announce your kingdom go forth with courage and confidence.  Send me, Lord, today to someone who needs to be encouraged, healed or forgiven.   Never let me worry or be held back because of my qualifications, weaknesses or fear of failure.  Jesus, thank you for placing your trust in me.  Amen.