July 1, 2018 Sunday of the 13th Week in Ordinary Time-B
Wisdom 1:13-15; 2:23-24
Psalm 30
2 Corinthians 8:7, 9, 13-15
Mark 5:21-43
“Who touched me?” Mk. 5:30
Lord, in today’s Gospel you meet a desperate woman. She tried every kind of cure for her bleeding and had come to the end of her rope. It was a belief at the time that by touching you the woman would make you ritually unclean. You were being jostled and pushed by the huge crowd around you. Why was her touch different? She had come to faith. After twelve long years of suffering she found the one who could rescue her from death. She believed that with a mere touch of your clothing she could be healed. And so it happened. You saw her faith and praised her for it. Faith always gets God’s attention. You said to her that it was her faith and trust in you that saved her. So many of your healings were brought about through faith lived out in action. The woman risked a lot by pushing through the crowd and touching you. Lord, give me faith like this woman. Also give me the grace to work for the things I pray for. Amen.