January 29, 2017 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time-A

Zephaniah 2:3; 3:12-13

Psalm 146

1 Corinthians 1:26-31

Matthew 5:1-12

“Rejoice and be glad, for your reward will be great in heaven.”  Matthew 5:12

Lord, thousands of books try to tell us how to be happy.  They all claim to have in their pages the real keys to success and joy.  You give us your keys to happiness in these verses from the Sermon you preached on the mountain.  Happiness is promised to those who realize their complete helplessness and dependence on you.  You promise joy to all who grieve over their own sin and the sins of the word for mercy is theirs.  Good is promised to those who hunger and thirst for living right.  You promise reward for those who give of themselves for the well-being of others.  Suffering for your sake is the road to holiness.  Lord, what you teach us is so contrary to what the world teaches.  Lord, help me to place my hopes in your promises.  Remind me that my goal is not temporary happiness now but eternal joy with you.  May I live more and more each day these treasures of your wisdom.   Amen