January 24, 2017 Tuesday of the 3rd Week in Ordinary Time-A, ST FRANCIS de SALES, BISHOP, DOCTOR OF THE CHURCH
Hebrews 10:1-10
Psalm 40
Mark 3:31-35
I waited, waited for the Lord; who bent down and heard my cry. Psalm 40:2
Lord, modern living doesn’t have much room for waiting anymore. Microwave ovens, overnight mail, TV remote controls, Google and instant communication have eliminated waiting for so much of our daily lives. We aren’t very good at waiting anymore. But you are not affected by all that. In your great wisdom you choose what is best for us always. Sometimes that means waiting for what we pray for. Waiting for you to respond to my prayer requires faith. The more I wait, the more my faith is stretched and increased. When I trust that you know what you are doing, waiting has value. Perhaps, Lord, you wait on me at times too. You wait on me to change, to grow, to surrender to your will. Teach me to be confident of your constant love for me and perfect timing for all you do for me. I never have to wait on your love. Like the air I breathe it is always around me. Jesu, I trust in your as I wait. Amen.