January 20, 2019 Sunday The 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time-C
Isaiah 62:1-5
Psalm 96
1 Corinthians 12:4-11
John 2:1-11
“…you have kept the good wine until now.” John 2:10
Lord, for your very first miracle you did not heal a leper, give sight to a blind man, cure a paralytic or raise the dead. You saved a wedding feast from disaster by changing ordinary water into wine. You even seemed reluctant to do that. As your first disciple your mother had confidence in you as she told the servers to do whatever you said. Lord, you are the good wine that replaces the old. You so blessed the married couple that day that I’m sure their lives were long, rich and beautiful together. Dear Jesus, I invite you into my life and ask you to bless me with the good wine of your grace and favor. When I receive you in the Holy Eucharist I am sharing in the joy of the heavenly marriage feast. Grow my belief in you as you did the faith of your disciples that day. Transform my ordinary water of unbelief to a lush and flavorful wine of trust and confidence. Lord, renew and restore in me whatever is lacking. Like your mother said, I will do whatever you tell me. Amen.