February 9, 2017 Thursday in the 5th Week in Ordinary Time-A

Genesis 2:18-25

Psalm 128

Mark 7:24-30

She came and fell at his feet.  Mark 7:25

Lord, were you surprised to find faith in this pagan land?  This woman was desperate to help her daughter who was suffering.  She had to swallow her pride to ask a Jew for healing.  You put her faith to a test which she passed.  Her humble, yet persistent prayer touched your heart and it was answered.  What joy she and her daughter must have had when the demon was gone.  How she must have been a witness to your power and compassion among her people.  Lord, do you sometimes test my faith?  Do you look for signs that I will persevere and continue to pray?  You so delight in giving good things to your children.  You may hold back a bit until I’m ready to receive.  You may even choose to answer my prayer in a different, better way.  Whatever way you respond it is for my good.  Lord, I humbly lay all my needs at your feet in the confident hope that in your time and in your way you will answer.  Help me to see and experience your response when it comes.  Amen.