February 7, 2017 Tuesday in the 5th Week in Ordinary Time-A

Genesis 1:20-2:4

Psalm 8

Mark 7:1-13

God looked at everything he had made, and he found it very good.  Genesis 1:31

What are humans that you are mindful of them…?  Psalm 8:5

Lord, there are no words to describe the marvelous and wonderful universe you made.   As astounding as it appears we have discovered the vast amount of matter and energy you’ve made is invisible to us.  Yet it is essential to the continued existence of everything we do see.  We also know that formation of new stars and planets continue to be created from what you brought into existence in the beginning.  I am in awe over the diversity and beauty of our world with plants and animals everywhere we look.  Your greatest creation is mankind.  At the conception of every human being you give some of yourself.  A child is formed in your image with a mind and soul and spirit to know and love you.  Your divine nature within us makes us “very good”.  Lord, give me a true appreciation for all of creation.  Help me to see the glory and honor that you crowned each of us with.  How awesome is your name through all the earth.  Amen