February 14, 2019 Thursday of the Fifth Week of Ordinary Time-C STAINTS CYRIL, MONK AND METHODIUS, BISHOP
Genesis 2:18-25
Psalm 128
Mark 7:24-30
“It is not good for man to be alone… Gen. 2:18
“The demon has gone out of your daughter.” Mk. 7:29
Lord, on this St. Valentine’s Day we reflect on those special people in our lives that very close to us. We extend greetings and gifts that show our affection for them. We are so blessed that you put such wonderful people around us that fulfill us and help us to grow and mature. Our faith filled friends aid us in our walk with you. Sadly there are many who are alone and separated from family and friends. Our brothers and sisters in nursing homes, hospitals, and the home-bound can feel isolated and live lonely lives. Lord, your word today helps me to see our common humanity. You created us men and women so we would not be alone. The woman who approached you had to feel lonely in her concern for her possessed daughter. You drove the demon from the daughter of this desperate pagan woman because she had faith in your power over evil. We are all your children and are in this world together regardless of where we came from or what our condition. Dear Jesus, help me to remove the demon of loneliness from someone today. Amen.