Song of Songs 2:8-14

Psalm 33

Luke 1:39-45

Mary set out in those days and traveled to the hill country in haste… Lk 1:39

Lord, she had to share her impossible news.  Elizabeth was the only one who could possibly understand about miracle babies.  A young teen aged mother and an old senior citizen had much in common.  Both had been favored by a God who knew no limits and for whom everything is possible to those who believe.  The road to the salvation of mankind went through Nazareth and the hill country of Judea.  These two women, unnoticed by everyone on the planet, held the promise of redemption within them.  Lord, as Mary hastened to Judea you were with her every step of the way.  This was the first proclamation of the gospel, the good news of God’s love for his people.  What good news do you have for me today, Lord?  How do you want me to experience your love today?  May I leap for joy as John did upon hearing your good news.  Help me to share the wonders of your love and presence with someone who you place in my path today.  In you my heart rejoices and I trust in your holy presence.  Amen.