Revelation 11:19; 12:1-6, 10
Psalm 45
1 Corinthians 15:20-27
Luke 1:39-56
“My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord; my spirit rejoices in God my Savior…” Lk. 1:46
Lord, as your mother Mary traveled to the hills of Judah to support her cousin in her pregnancy she was saying “yes” to you. When she proclaimed how good you were to choose her for your mother, she was saying “yes” to you. Mary would go on to courageously carry you to term, give birth in a stable, greet the Magi, protect you from a mad king, and teach you the ways of God in your childhood. She supported your ministry and eventually witnessed your death and rejoiced in your resurrection. For all these “yeses” she was lifted up to heaven, body and soul, to reign as queen of the universe. Lord, this day gives me great hope because of my “yes” to you I will follow Mary to your kingdom. She had sorrow and hardship just as I do. But she never wavered from believing in you and embracing God’s will for her. Like her, may I never forget all the good things you have done for me. And may I never forget that I have someone that is so close to you pleading on my behalf for your mercy and forgiveness. I look forward to when I can join her in my eternal home. Amen.