Acts of the Apostles 5:12-16

Psalm 118

Revelation 1:9-13, 17-19

John 20:19-31

Yet more than ever, believers in the Lord…were added to them.  Acts 5:14

“Blessed are those who have not seen and have believed.”  John 20:29

Lord, we all come to faith in you in different ways.  Huddled together in fear behind locked doors, the Apostles rejoiced when you came to them.  To replace their fear you offered them your peace.  Poor Thomas wasn’t there.  His broken heart needed more to believe.  You came to him in the way he asked.  You gave him what he needed and he cried out “my Lord and my God.”  For all of us faith is a life-long journey.  Whether we are introduced to you as a child or later in life your peace replaces fear, indifference and even darkness.  Thank you, Lord, for however I have come to believe in you.  You have appeared to me in the way I needed.  Your Divine Mercy has wiped away my sins and welcomed me into the company of all who follow you.  My journey of faith is not over.  Challenges, temptations, doubts and struggles can still try to keep me in the locked room of unbelief. But you call me out into the light of your grace and offer a better way.  Dear Jesus, I delight in walking with you today because you are “my Lord and my God.”  Amen.