April 22, 2019 Monday within the Octave of Easter-C
Acts of the Apostles 2:14, 22-33
Psalm 16
Matthew 28:8-15
Therefore my heart is glad and my soul rejoices… Ps. 16:9
…fearful yet overjoyed. Mt. 28:8
Lord, what could be more wonderful than to see and touch your risen body like the two Marys? Their sadness was wiped away upon hearing your voice of encouragement. They had to be so filled with awe and excitement they hardly knew what to do. It is truly a blessing to be able to tell others the good- no the great news that you are alive and still with us. Today, everything is made new and there is nothing for us to fear. If you can conquer death, you surely can overcome any fear or other obstacle I will encounter today. Let nothing hold me back from proclaiming you as risen in victory. I pray today, Lord, that I can be a faithful witness for you to everyone I meet. Whether in word or in how I live, may I gladly proclaim hope to a world needing hope. May I be your instrument of peace, consolation and encouragement to anyone still living in the darkness of the tomb. I am confident, dear Jesus that you will complete whatever I begin if it is your will. Thank you for hearing my prayer. Amen.