April 12, 2019 Friday of the 5th Week of Lent-C
Jeremiah 20:10-13
Psalm 18
John 10:31-42
But the Lord is with me, like a mighty champion… Jer. 20:11
O Lord, my rock, my fortress, my deliverer. Ps. 18:2
Lord, we are entertained by stories and movies about superheroes. They are beings with supernatural strength and power that protect and save us from the evil ones who want to conquer the world. We trust they will use their super-abilities to do good. Jeremiah was in trouble because he was speaking your word to an evil generation of people who wanted him silenced. He was in fear for his life. But he trusted in you as his champion. Despite the surrounding threats he relied on his faith in you as his rock, his fortress, his deliverer. Lord, I too can be challenged by foes around me. People can speak gossip against me. Behind my back they can plot to damage my reputation or even remove me from their lives. Whatever the reason, I too am in need of a champion. Sometimes I can even doubt my own value or can even be pulled into revenge against them. I know you are always at my side no matter how difficult my struggles or how alone I may feel. I trust in you, and thank you for your “superhero” love for me. Amen.