April 10, 2017 Monday of Holy Week-A

Isaiah 42:1-7

Psalm 27

John 12:1-11

Mary…anointed the feet of Jesus and dried them with her hair; John 12:3

Lord, what a comforting act of love your friend Mary did for you!  This beautiful gift is in sharp contrast to how you will be treated by others as the days of your suffering and death approach.  Her devotion to you was clearly seen by all.  I know you were very pleased with one of the last kindnesses you would have from mankind.  How can I love you like Mary did?  Often I express my love of you so casually or half-heartedly.  Yes, Lord, I do love you and I’m grateful for how you gave your life for me.  What an awesome sign of love that was.  This Holy Week may I adore you and praise you and love you like Mary.  I will remember this anointing during your arrest, trial, scourging, humiliation and execution.  I will think of this tender act of love as you are placed in your tomb.  May your Spirit lead me to greater devotion and love for you as my Lord and my God.  Let my prayers fill the house with the fragrance of perfumed oil.  Amen.