October 19, 2019 Saturday of the 28th Week in Ordinary Time-C STS. JOHN de BREBEUF AND ISAAC JOGUES, PRIESTS, AND COMPANIONS, MARTYRS

Romans 4:13, 16-18

Psalm 105

Luke 12:8-12

He is our father in the sight of God…Rom. 4:17

Lord, I have always admired the faith of Abraham.  His faith stood up to the impossibility of an elderly couple conceiving a child, He believed when you told him he would be the father of many nations and then you asked him to kill his only child.  He had to think how can that could be?  Yet his faith led him to obey God and he passed the test. If only I had a smidgen of the faith of Abraham!  You said that faith the size of a mustard seed could do amazing things.  Faith leads to so many wonderful qualities.  One of them is gratitude.  Faith tells me who I owe for all the good people and situations that exist in my life.  And cannot but turn to you with a thankful heart because you look into my heart and see my needs.  So many needs are fulfilled even when I’m not aware.   Another quality is love.  How can I not care for others when I believe in you?  Finally, faith leads me to courage like that of John de Brebuf, Isaac Jogues and their companions.  St. John and St. Isaac pray for us.  Amen.