November 20, 2021 Saturday of the 33rd Week in Ordinary Time-B

1 Maccabees 6:1-13

Psalm 9

Luke 20:27-40

Some Sadducces, those who deny that there is a resurrection… Lk. 20:27

Lord, many people do not want to talk or think about death. Some have great fear of death while others accept it as a part of life.  We all will come to the end of our earthly journey at some point. If we live confident in the eternal life you won for us on the cross, we look at death as a doorway to you. If we live in denial of resurrection or fear of your judgment, life can seem to have little point beyond having as much pleasure and acquiring as many material goods as possible before the end. Lord, I cannot imagine enduring the trials and tribulations of this world without faith in the afterlife you have prepared for all believers. I want to build my relationship with you so that I do not fear death. I thank you and declare your wonderful love in my life. I pray for the grace of a happy death for me, my family and all those to whom I am close. You are my refuge, my fortress, my stronghold, my deliverer. Keep me faithful to you until you call me to my eternal home.  Amen.