November 15, 2021 Monday of the 33rd Week in Ordinary Time-B

1 Maccabees 1:10-15, 41-43, 54-57, 62-63

Psalm 119

Luke 18:35-43

“Son of David, have pity on me!” Lk. 18:39

Lord, people of your time who had 20-20 vision failed to see who you were. This blind beggar, with the eyes of faith, recognized you to be the long-awaited Son of David, the Messiah. He called out to you with a loud voice and would not be silenced. In your pity, you gave him human sight and rewarded his faith with salvation. He had faith maybe because in the darkness of his life there were few distractions or obstacles to a deep faith. He could focus on God’s goodness and “look” for the salvation promised by the prophets. Lord, we are distracted by so many shiny objects in this world. We look at so much yet see very little. Have pity on me and help me to see your presence in the world. Help me to see the needs of my brothers and sisters and give me the grace to do something about them. Help me to see the truth of your Church and to surrender myself to your love.  I, like the beggar, ask you “Lord that I may see.” Like him, I will follow you and give glory to God.  Amen.