October 9, 2019 Wednesday of the 27th Week in Ordinary Time-C

Jonah 4:1-11

Psalm 86

Luke 11:1-4

Jonah was greatly displeased and became angry with God… Jonah 4:1

“…your kingdom come.”  Lk. 11:2

Lord, Jonah got mad because you didn’t do what he wanted.  He thought you should destroy the people he had just preached repentance to.  He wasn’t interested in your mercy or forgiveness despite how you saved him from the belly of the fish.  I know people sometimes get angry with you.  I’ve seen their anger when a loved one dies unexpectedly.  Anytime our prayers are not answered in the ways we think they should be we can become upset with you.   With your grace hopefully that anger is just temporary and soon passes.  Lord, you taught your disciples and us to ask for your kingdom to come.  That prayer is a surrender to your will and not ours.  You see the big picture and know perfectly what is best and good for our eternal salvation.  Help me to look for answers to my prayers that may not be the answers I seek but yours.   Guide me to let go of my narrow views and to be open to your will in all things.   Show me how to focus on not what I want but on what you want.  Thank you, dear Jesus, for showing me how to pray.  Amen.