October 8, 2019 Tuesday of the 27th Week in Ordinary Time-C

Jonah 3:1–10

Psalm 130

Luke 10:38-40

…when the people of Nineveh believed God; they proclaimed a fast… Jonah 3:5

Lord, the people of Nineveh made an astonishing transformation.  Despite being corrupt, evil pagans you loved them enough to use the reluctant prophet Jonah to proclaim your word to them.  You used someone who was the hated enemy of the Ninevetes.   This story from start to finish is almost too much.  It shows that when we listen to your word and cooperate with your will huge changes can take place.  Lord, I’m probably not as wicked as the the people of Nineveh but I too am in need of conversion.  I too need to open my heart to your word and to respond with the grace it brings.  Each day you offer me a better way to walk with you.  You see into my heart and see what needs healing.  You never tire of giving me opportunities to grow in my faith and to respond to the truth of your word.    Help me to see what you want to change in me.  Guide my heart to accept your grace and to allow it to bring me closer to you.  May I be attentive to the Jonahs which you have sent to me.  Amen.