June 26, 2021 Saturday of the 12th Week in Ordinary Time-B

Genesis 18:1-15

Psalm Luke 1:46-50, 53-55

Matthew 8:5-17

 “Is there anything too marvelous for the Lord to do?” Gen 18:14

Lord…only say the word… Mt. 8:8

Lord, we live our lives with so many limitations. Availability of resources, time, energy and numerous other conditions limit what we do.  In your word today you teach us you have no limits. Abraham and Sara will have a child in their old age and Abraham will become the father of a nation. You healed the centurion’s servant over a great distance with only a word. The common denominator in these two stories is faith in you. Faith in your power to do the impossible. Faith in your will to heal and bless. Faith despite questions and uncertainty. Faith always gets your attention. Lord, to be honest, I don’t doubt that you can do the impossible. I ponder what, in my life, I view as impossible. What do I think is too difficult, too troublesome, too complicated for you to heal? Help me to let go of any limitations I put on your power. I pray for those relationships that are so in need of healing. I pray for my country which is broken and troubled.  Jesus, I trust in you.  Amen