September 25, 2019 Wednesday of the 25th Week in Ordinary Time-C

Ezra 9:5-9

Psalm Tobit 13:1-4, 7-8

Luke 9:1-6

“…mercy came to us from the Lord, our God…” Ezra 9:8

He scourges and then has mercy… Tobit 13:1

Lord, one of the first steps in overcoming a bad habit is seeing it for what it is.  Ezra saw the guilt of his people before God.  He admitted the people’s addiction to sin and lifted up a prayer to God.  He didn’t blame others but accepted responsibility for the shame of the evil that had infected his nation.  On behalf of his people he pleaded with God for mercy.  Thankfully, you are always ready to welcome us back into your arms.  Your door is always open to your wayward children.  You even accepted the cross to seal the deal and to repair the damage our sins had caused in our relationship with our Father.  Due to your unconditional mercy there is always hope that rescue and freedom are always ours for the asking.  Lord, I am a sinner among sinners.  Like Ezra, I beg for you not to leave me in my sin.  I thank you for being patient with me as I appeal to you for healing.  So Lord, I ask for forgiveness not only for myself but for my family, community and nation.  Amen.