June 25, 2021 Friday of the 12th Week in Ordinary Time-B

Genesis 17:1, 9-10, 15-22

Psalm 128

Matthew 8:1-4

“I am God the Almighty.  Walk in my presence and be blameless.”  Gen. 17:1

“Lord, if you wish, you can make me clean.”  Mt. 8:2

Lord, I am astounded at the faith of Abraham and Sarah. He was 100 years old and his wife was 90. Yet they were still walking in your presence. The promise of a baby at their age did seem impossible, even laughable. I guess there have been times that I’ve had trouble believing you will answer my prayer after years and years of asking you. The leper knew you could heal him, he just didn’t know if you would. Lord, you word is so full of wonder and awe as I read of your awesome goodness to us. The love story between you and your people as written in scripture gives me hope and encouragement. My faith is enriched when I hear of how you care for us. You may not answer as quickly as we want. But during Abraham’s and Sarah’s waiting you were preparing them to be the parents of the nation of your chosen people. While the leper was waiting to be healed you were preparing him for when he was reunited with his family. Lord, I believe your timing is still perfect and someday I’ll understand better how you work in our lives.  Amen.