September 23, 2019 Monday of the 25th Week in Ordinary Time-C ST. PIUS OF PIETRELCINA, (PADRE PIO) PRIEST

Ezra 1:1-6

Psalm 126

Luke 8:16-18

“Take care, then, how you hear.  To anyone who has, more will be given… Lk. 8:18

Lord, show me how to be a light for you today.  Make me fertile soil for the word you speak to me.   Help me to connect your word in scripture to what goes on in my life.   I begin with a trust that what you tell me is for my good and for the good of the people around me.  The challenges of life are many but they can be met when I trust in you and the grace that comes from your cross.   An athlete gets stronger and faster when he or she trains and practices their sport.  Make my faith grow as I give generously to the people you have placed in my life.  Lord, who will you bring before me today who needs to be touched by your love?  When I live like I’ve been saved your light can shine through me like a lighthouse on the shore.  I often feel inadequate to be your witness in our troubled and confused world.  I cannot be a light without you, dear Lord.  May I listen carefully and deeply to what you want me to hear today.  St. Padre Pio pray for us.  Amen.