September 22, 2019 Sunday of the 25th Week in Ordinary Time-C

Amos 8:4-7

Psalm 113

1 Timothy 2:1-8

Luke 16:1-13

Never will I forget a thing they have done.  Amos 8:7

“No servant can serve two masters”.  Luke 16:13

Lord, I admit that sometimes I depend on my money and possessions too much.  I seek security in material goods and the things of this world.  Most of us have worked very hard since our youth to achieve success in life and a comfortable standard of living.  Lord, your word today helps me to put all the “stuff” in my care in a more balanced perspective.  You have given me such an abundance of material and spiritual blessings.  You are so very good to me.  But in your generosity comes a responsibility to use what is in my care in a just and prudent way.  What you have given me is not only for my good.  Amos makes the point that you watch and remember how we treat the poor.  You call me to be a good steward and to be wise in my decisions with all your gifts.  Lord, keep me from falling into the trap of possessiveness.  Don’t let me forget to depend not on what I have but on you.  Lord, my prayer today is for a generous heart and a wise mind to use your gifts to build up your kingdom and to serve only one master-you.  Amen.