May 11, 2021 Tuesday of the 6th Week of Easter-B

Acts of the Apostles 16:22-34

Psalm 138

John 16:5-11

…Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God as the prisoners listened… Acts. 16:25

The Lord will complete what he has done for me; Ps. 138:8

Lord, after suffering a beating and locked away in a jail, Paul and Silas didn’t feel sorry for themselves, they maintained their faith and prayed and sang hymns in their dire condition. The Holy Spirit heard their prayers but also the other prisoners and the guard. The Spirit caused an earthquake that freed them from their shackles and opened the doors of their cells. Another miracle took place when the guard, knowing he would be severely punished if the prisoners escaped, asked to be a disciple of yours. He and his whole household were baptized and saved. Lord, we never know how you are going to answer our prayers. We never know how your power will be used to free us from our shackles of sin. Lord, I ask that today I will be open to how you want us to do your will. Sometimes all you need from me is the first step then you will complete all that is needed. Lord, may your Holy Spirit inspire faith, hope and love in somebody today. Surprise me with a beautiful answer to my prayers.