September 19, 2019 Thursday of the 24th Week in Ordinary Time-C

1 Timothy 4:12-16

Psalm 111

Luke 7:36-50

“Who is this who even forgives sins?” Lk. 7:50

Lord, in your stories you make a stark contrast between those around you who have faith and those who don’t.  You show the power of that faith to heal, forgive and to grant freedom.  You also powerfully describe expressions of love.  Simon and the unnamed woman were both sinners.  One admitted it, the other did not.  One was not embarrassed to show love, the other did not.  One walked out of that dinner party as free as a bird, the other did not.  The woman had sunk as low as she could go.  You were the only one who could save her.  The Pharisee did not even know he needed to be saved by you.  The woman’s faith and love has been admired for centuries.  Make me aware of all my sins and grant me the tears of repentance.  Lord, remove all pride and self-righteousness from me.  Never let me look down on someone who I view as a great sinner for I am in need of your grace as much as they.   May I live in the peace of union with you.  Amen.