April 23, 2021 Friday of the 3rd Week of Easter-B
Acts of the Apostles 9:1-20
Psalm 117
John 6:52-59
“Whoever eats my Flesh and drinks my Blood has eternal life…” John 6:54
Lord, many people have searched for the mythical “fountain of youth” to extend their lives. We exercise, eat right and take vitamins to lengthen our lives. We seem willing to do anything to live longer. You have given us the real medicine which sustains us for eternal life: your very self. You knew after you rose from the dead that you would return to the Father. But out of love for us you gave us the Eucharist so you could be with us always. For those who believe, you are closer to us in this holy sacrament than to those with whom you walked when you lived among us. I thank you for inviting me to this intimate union with you. I also thank you for the faith which brings me to believe you are truly present, body, blood, soul and divinity in what looks and tastes like bread and wine. These elements are changed just as you desire to change me. Lord, never let me take for granted this ultimate gift. Always keep me aware of the nourishment, the healing and the forgiveness I receive in Holy Communion. I have truly found the real fountain of youth. Amen.