April 22, 2021 Thursday of the 3rd Week of Easter-B
Acts of the Apostles 8:26-40
Psalm 66
John 6:44-51
The angel of the Lord spoke to Philip, “Get up and head south on the road…” Acts 8:26
“No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draw him…” John 6:44
Lord, your angel told Philip to get up and go. Philip went. He encountered a man who was seeking the truth in the scriptures. As a result of their meeting and Philip’s witness to your good news the man was baptized and saved. This would not have happened if Philip had not responded to the urging of the Spirit. He could have said: “not today” or “I have other plans” or “I don’t have time.” Lord, I believe you guide us to encounter people in our daily routine that need to receive your good news. They are not chance meetings but arranged by you. Help me to respond like Philip. Make me ready to share my joy at being your child and to witness to whomever you call me to meet. May I be open to the urging of the Holy Spirit and give me the words to bring someone to you today. Sometimes I can hesitate to engage and can overlook people who you place in my path. Thank you, dear Jesus, for using me to bring more children into your family of faith. I may be the only bible someone may read today. Amen.