April 20, 2021 Tuesday of the 3rd Week of Easter –B
Acts of the Apostles: 7:15-8:-1
Psalm 31
John 6:30-35
“Lord Jesus, receive my spirit.” Acts 7:59
“I am the bread of life.” John 6:35
Lord Jesus, both you and your martyr Stephen insisted on speaking the truth to hostile and unbelieving crowds. Stephen knew they were infuriated at his words yet he continued until they threw him out of the city and began stoning him. You knew the people wouldn’t accept your words that your flesh and blood came down from heaven and would be the way to eternal life. Soon many of them would turn away from you and walk away because they didn’t understand that you are the bread of life. You lost many followers by speaking the hard truth that would save them for eternal life. Sometimes I want to speak the truth about life, marriage and the Eucharist but I’m afraid my words will not be successful and people will think I’m crazy or prejudiced. You and Stephen didn’t have to say what you did. But you show us all that we must be faithful to the truth of the Catholic Church and your words whether it’s convenient or inconvenient. Lord, like Stephen, I ask for your grace, wisdom and courage to stand up for my faith and to lead others to salvation by how I live. St. Stephen pray for us. Amen Alleluia