April 12, 2021 Monday of the 2nd Week of Easter–B

Acts of the Apostles: 4, 23-31

Psalm 2

John 3:1-8

.”…unless one is born of water and Spirit he cannot enter the kingdom of God.” John 3:5

Lord, today you instruct both Nicodemus and me the value of spiritual rebirth. You gave us the holy sacrament of Baptism so we can be adopted into the Holy Trinity. We are sons and daughters of the Father, Son and Spirit thru Baptism. What a perfect family! And we share in a grand inheritance better than any we receive in this world: the kingdom of God. The Apostles received the Holy Spirit as their final adoption into the Trinity and it was such an awesome event that the whole building shook on its foundation. Nicodemus misunderstands but later “get’s it.” I want to live like a member of the eternal divine family. That means I reject sin and follow the example of Jesus in humility, charity and complete commitment to the will of the Father. Lord, today I want to follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit and enjoy the blessings of my family status. May my rebirth lead me to a holy and just relationship with my brothers and sisters and a complete unity with my Father in heaven. Help me to “seek what is above” where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. Amen Alleluia