March 11, 2021 Thursday of the 3rd Week of Lent-B
Jeremiah 7:23-28
Psalm 95
Luke 11:14-23
“Listen to my voice; then I will be your God and you shall be my people.” Jer. 7:23
“Whoever is not with me is against me…” Lk. 11:23
Lord, I believe you are speaking to me every day. Throughout the busyness of my day you want me to know you are there to support me and to give me courage to live as your disciple. Sadly, I can get so involved in my work or all my ordinary activities that I can forget about you for hours at a time. That’s why it’s so important that I stop to look for signs of your presence. It’s so important that I stop and listen to what you want to say to me. That scripture passage I just read is you speaking to me. That sunrise I just saw is you showing me you will be with me all day. The encouraging word from a family member or coworker is you telling me to keep on walking the road to you; to eternity. Thank you, Lord, for the sacraments of the church. Thank you for the traditions and prayers of your church. Thank you for the holy men and women who witness to you in so many ways. Never let me forget about the abundant life you won for me on the cross. Be my God and I will be your faithful child. Amen.