March 4, 2021 Thursday of the 2nd Week in Lent-B

Jeremiah 17:5-10

Psalm 1

Luke 16:19-31

I, the Lord, alone probe the mind and test the heart… Jeremiah 17:10

And lying at his door was a poor man… Lk. 16:20

Lord, your story of the rich man and Lazarus is another of those gospels that make me uncomfortable. It hits something within me that is disturbing. If that was your intent, it worked. I admit that I probably trust too much in what I have. I also admit that I have at times been blind to those you may have placed in my path that are hurting, lonely, hungry, afraid or sick.  It’s clear from so much of the gospel of Luke that you want us to be responsible with the goods of this world. You desire that we use our time, position, and talents for the good of ourselves and our brothers and sisters. And it’s clear from this story and from Jeremiah that I will be held accountable in the end for how well I do that. Lord, help me to see the needs of those around me.  Move my heart and my mind to action to make a difference in someone’s life today.  I can’t fix the world, but I can give one person laying at my door this day respect, dignity and whatever they need for their journey.  Amen