February 23, 2021 Tuesday of the 1st Week in Lent-B
Isaiah 55:10-11
Psalm 34
Matthew 6:7-15
“Your Father knows what you need before you ask him.” Mt. 6:8
Lord, I had a problem with TV reception in my home. I had to call customer service and explain in detail the difficulty. It took a while to correctly diagnosis the nature of the problem. But when I come to you in prayer, you already know everything going on with me. Without a lot of words from me you know my worries, my fears, my hungers and all my needs. You look deep into my heart and see needs that I may not even be aware of. I can confuse needs and wants sometimes. You aren’t confused about that at all. I may not be willing to admit something like a need to forgive, a need to do penance or a need to let go of a destructive habit. In the end, dear Lord, the prayer you taught us today has the perfect solution to all this: “thy will be done.” Faith tells me that if I lay everything at your feet and fully accept your will in my life all will be good. That relieves me of having to come up with solutions and fixes for what’s not working and leave it all to you. Jesus, “thy will be done” brings with it great peace. Amen.