February 16, 2021 Tuesday in the 6th Week in Ordinary Time-B
Genesis 6:5-8; 7:1-5, 10
Psalm 29
Mark 8:14-21
“Are your hearts hardened? Do you have eyes and not see, ears and not hear?” Mk. 8:17-18
Lord, the question you put to your disciples I think you ask of us too. Today is a day of partying and extravagance. Much of it is overdone and we wake up with headaches. Today is a good day to give answer to your question. Tomorrow Lent begins. Let us today prepare ourselves for the 40 days of reflection and penance leading to Holy Week and then the glorious celebration of your Resurrection. Maybe we can repent of what keeps us at arm’s length from you. Maybe it’s pride, selfishness, self-centered ego or an attraction to lust. Whatever I cling to or try to substitute for holiness I want to let go. I want to empty myself so you can fill me with yourself. That means I need to use the eyes of faith to watch and see what builds me up instead of what pulls me down. That means I need to listen to what helps me grow in faith instead of what pulls me to the darkness. Lord, please give me an understanding and an open heart so I can be who you created me to be. I cannot do this on my own because I have failed many times. I trust you will provide the grace I need at exactly the right moment. Amen.