February 13, 2021 Saturday of the 5th Week in Ordinary Time-B
Genesis 3:9-24
Psalm 90
Mark 8:1-10
“Where can anyone get enough bread to satisfy them here in this deserted placed?” Mk. 8:4
Lord, I guess we can forgive your disciples for asking a question like this. They had not yet come to fully understand who you were and what you could do. They saw a problem: no food for thousands of people that were a long way from their homes. It seemed to them like a problem without a solution. You had fed the people with your word. You had satisfied their hunger for the truth of the kingdom of God. Now you looked to satisfy the hunger in their bellies. Lord, you know me inside and out. Your priority is to feed my soul so I can be strengthened in temptation, encouraged in love and hopeful for eternal life. You also can see my physical and material needs. May I never doubt you like the disciples did. I trust in your mercy and love. I also trust that you know the deepest needs of my heart and will satisfy them in your time and in your way. Dear Jesus, I thank you for the abundance you have provided for my body and spirit. Amen.