February 12, 2021 Friday of the Fifth Week of Ordinary Time-B

Genesis 3:1-8

Psalm 32

Mark 7:31-37

“He makes the deaf hear and the mute speak.”  Mk. 7:37

Lord, I can imagine that not being able to hear a sound or a word can seem like a prison. You took pity on a man who likely was not a Jew or a believer and gave him the gifts of hearing and speech. Most of us take those gifts for granted. Not only that but we can abuse them by using our senses for sin. You did not give them to us to listen to gossip or entertainment that draws us into sin or violence. Our voice was given for praise and goodness and not for lies or hate.  Help me, Lord, to be more aware of how I use these precious gifts. Make me a better listener so I can be more sensitive to the needs of my spouse, children and others. Give me the patience to listen first and speak next. Guard my tongue so that I will not say anything hurtful or degrading to anyone today. May I use your gifts to praise you and proclaim how good you are to all of us. I listen for the quiet whisper of your Spirit to guide my words and actions today.  Amen.