September 11, 2019 Wednesday of the 23rd Week in Ordinary Time-C

Colossians 3:1-11

Psalm 145

Luke 6:20-26

Think of what is above, not of what is on earth.  Col. 3:2

“Blessed are you who are poor…hungry…weeping…”  Lk. 6:21

Lord, you and Paul encourage us to think bigger, think different, think bolder.  Each day we deal with so many thoughts and events that shape our lives and keep us so busy we barely have time to reflect on your goodness and generosity.   The concerns and worries of searching for stability, security and peace in this world can occupy us so much we forget our ultimate goal: living the new life you have invited us to.  Lord, I try to put behind me all the sins Paul lists: immorality, impurity, greed, anger and obscene speech among others.  Those things belong to my old life and have no place in my new one.  The old is gone, thanks to your gift of redemption on the cross.   While I go about my routine today, Lord, help me to realize any suffering is temporary.  Help me to think as you think and to focus on you and the eternity to come instead of what is of earth.   That is easier said than done but it can be done with your grace.   Keep my mind and heart open to whatever signs of heaven you give me today.  Amen.