January 27 2021 Wednesday of the 3rd Week in Ordinary Time-B
Hebrews 10:11-18
Psalm 110
Mark 4:1-20
Their sins and their evil doing I will remember no more. Heb. 10:18
“As soon as they hear, Satan comes at once and takes away the word…” Mk. 4:15
Lord, the seed of your word is sown to produce in us the fruit of belief, faith and trust in your mercy. Your story points out the obstacles that prevent the seed of your mercy from germinating in our hearts. Sometimes we feel unworthy of your forgiveness for past sins or present harmful relationships. That feeling greatly delights the devil. He is successful when we don’t accept your mercy and hold onto past offenses. Lord, I want to believe you have forgiven me for the great sins of my past. I pray I have been cleansed of them and that you no longer hold them against me; even to the point of you forgetting that I even committed them. Help me to fully surrender to the sacrifice you made on the cross so I am not held back by the burden of past sins. Help me also to forgive myself and to let go of whatever prevents the seed of your mercy from blossoming within me. Change my heart to look forward to how you want me to grow and bloom with holiness and bring me close to your merciful heart. Amen.