September 10, 2019 Tuesday of the 23rd Week in Ordinary Time-C
Colossians 2:6-15
Psalm 145
Luke 6:12-19
As your received Christ Jesus the Lord, walk in him… Col. 5:6
…he called his disciples to himself… Lk. 6:13
Lord, after a night spent in prayer to your Father, you called your followers to yourself because you loved them and wanted them near. You would make a huge decision that day as you chose the twelve men who would be the major players in the church you came to establish on earth. These men would be intimately connected to you as you taught, healed and walked to your destiny in Jerusalem. They would experience first-hand the acceptance and the rejection of the people you encountered. You trained them to heal, drive out demons and to proclaim the good news of God’s love. Today, Lord, you still call men and women to yourself. The job is not over. Thank you for the gift of faith and for calling me to your side to walk with you. You have blessed me with opportunities to use my God-given talents and gifts to be your witness in my time. I am totally unique among all your children because you gave me life and formed me to bear fruit only I can bear. How can I serve you today, dear Jesus? As I walk with you provide the grace I need to be your disciple. Amen.