January 14, 2021 Thursday of the 1st Week in Ordinary time-B
Hebrews 3:7-14
Psalm 95
Mark 1:40-45
Moved with pity, he stretched out his hand, touched him… Mk. 1:41
Lord, lepers were untouchable. They were excluded from normal life and lived outside of town—in deserted place. Moved with pity for this man’s suffering you cleansed him of his disease. His disease and his faith earned your attention. But why did you touch him? No one touched lepers! You could have healed him with a word. This man likely hadn’t felt a human touch for years. He needed healing but he also needed the touch of love. Your touch may have revived his spirit. It may have restored his dignity. It gave him a worthiness he had lost. As a result of the commotion this miracle caused you had to stay in deserted places. You and the leper had traded places just like you took my place on the cross to save me from my sins. Lord, touch me when I need healing. Have pity on me a sinner. Make me clean. I am not able to heal myself so I depend on your touch. Amen.