January 10, 2021 THE BAPTISM OF THE LORD-B
Isaiah 42:1-4, 6-7 21:1-3
Psalm 29
Acts of the Apostles 10:34-38
Mark 1:7-11
“You are my beloved Son; with you I am well pleased.” Mk 1:11
Lord, today at the very beginning of Mark’s gospel you are introduced by the Father himself. The story begins not with a baby or wise men or shepherds, or manger but with nothing less that the Holy Trinity: Father, Son and Spirit. What a start for the salvation of the world! While you had no need to be cleansed of sin, we do. We too receive the Holy Spirit and a sacred anointing at our baptism. Lord, may I never take for granted the precious gift of baptism for it is the doorway to a holy life, an adoption as God’s son or daughter and an initiation into his body on earth. The grace of this sacred event sustains me throughout life in times of temptation and the Spirit encourages me to live your good news in word and deed. Lord, the Holy Trinity was present at my Baptism too. I am a beloved child of God who has been anointed as a priest, a prophet and a king. The heavens opened for me too that day and I received the grace of God to be a member of his body on earth. Nothing has been the same for me since. May I live to please the Father like you did. Amen.