January 9, 2021 Saturday after Epiphany-B

1 John 5:14-21

Psalm 149

John 3:22-30

“This joy of mine has been made complete.”  John 3:29

Lord, who wouldn’t want complete joy?  Your prophet John had it. He found complete joy in knowing his place in God’s great plan for mankind. Like a well-run company each person has a role in the operation of the business.  Each individual must do their job for the company to be successful. John knew his role was to point the people to you. To prepare a way for all mankind to know you as Lord and Savior. And he performed that task to a T and experienced the joy of heaven on earth. Lord, you’ve given me a unique combination of gifts and talents. You’ve positioned me in a particular time and place and set of circumstances. Lord, help me to see clearly my role in the Father’s grand plan. I pray for the wisdom and courage to, like John, decrease so you can increase. Lord, to whom do you call me to serve today?  How can I witness to your love today? Lord, with your grace and the greatest plan given us-my joy can be complete too.  Amen.