January 8, 2021 Friday after Epiphany-B

1 John 5:5-13

Psalm 147

Luke 5:12-16

“Lord, if you wish, you can make me clean.”  Lk. 5:12

Lord, this man suffering from leprosy had faith in your healing power. Faith always gets your attention.  So many people suffer in our world. I know a man who has struggled with an unusual stomach ailment for years without relief. I know a widow who grieves for her husband years after his death and yearns to be with him again. Children are born with severe birth defects and have dim prospects for a full life. Lord, if you wish you can heal and restore anyone to health. You have the power to bring relief to those living in daily pain. I pray today for everyone who has long-term health issues. I lift up the lonely and depressed. I call forth your power to bring light to those in the darkness of sin. Somehow in all his years of suffering this man trusted in God’s care for him. May my friends and family who are in need of healing persevere in their faith in you who are aware of their every need. You know best, dear Jesus. May all people who share in your cross and crucifixion know that you will lead them to the resurrection. I humbly thank you for hearing my prayer.  Amen.