January 7, 2021 Thursday after Epiphany-B
1 John 4:19—5:4
Psalm 72
Luke 4:14-22
“The Spirit of the Lord is on me.” Lk. 4:18
Lord, you had to be encouraged by the response you received from your hometown friends and neighbors. You laid out for them your mission and how you would go about accomplishing it. The appearance of the Spirit endorsed you and your mission. Everything you did, said and are came from the Father and the Spirit. Thank you, Lord, for showing us the power of the Spirit. The Spirit has been given to us as well. We share in your mission and are your instruments in a broken world. We too are broken and desperately need the Spirit to plead for us before the Father. Lord, please release us from what holds us captive, shine your light so we can see you in our brothers and sisters and ourselves. Free us from fear that paralyzes us. You saw that fear in Nazareth when you spoke of their enemies as being loved by the Father. Show me how best I can live your commandment to love my neighbor who I’m at odds with? Lord, the Spirit is a gift I so much need and totally rely upon. Guide me today to trust the Spirit’s guidance and power for without it I can do nothing. Amen.